Our Voice Our Choice
Feedback & Complaints
About Us
We regularly obtain feedback through our satisfaction surveys, discussions with family and by listening to what our people and team tell us. We also are well connected to our community, and we welcome feedback from all.
In accordance with the Complaints, Compliments & Suggestions Policy of NDIS, we aim to facilitate the fair, prompt and confidential resolution of all complaints. View our complaints policy here.
For complaints we will:
- Treat your complaint seriously
- Acknowledge receiving your complaint, verbally or in writing, within 5 days
- Investigate your complaint within 20 days from the date of acknowledgement
- Inform you if it will take longer to process your complaint, and explain why
Our Voice Our Choice are committed to providing our residents with
exceptional care and a wonderful environment to live in.
Our staff aim to do this by:
- Listening to you and respecting your independence and your ability to make choices.
- Respecting your privacy.
- Allowing you to access information about yourself.
- Inviting you to participate fully in all aspects of your Individual
Support Plan. - Ensuring your health and safety at all times whilst in our care.
- Informing you of your rights and responsibilities in relation to all aspects of your life.
- Taking into account your views, needs, desires, family connections and leisure choices when planning, managing and reviewing your plans.
- Be assisted without discrimination
- Complete privacy and confidentiality.
- Be treated as an individual and have your preferences taken into account including cultural, linguistic and religious preferences.
- Be treated with dignity and respect.
- Be listened to and responded to in an appropriate manner.
- Have access to information about your rights and responsibilities.
- Complain about the service being received, without the fear of losing care or being disadvantaged.

How to make a complaint
Speak with the person involved or the Team Leader.
Ask your Advocate / Community Visitor / Family member to speak with Team Leader.
If you do not feel that your Team Leader has listened to you, you can then take your complaint or suggestion to the Manager. If you are still unable to get a successful outcome you can then email ceo@OVOC.com.au. You will have a response from our team within 7 days of your complaint and if action is required, we will act on your complaint and will aim to resolve your complaint within 2 weeks. If you still feel that your complaint has not be resolved you can take your complaint to the NDIS COMMISSION
Phone: 1800 035 544
Website: NDIScomission.gov.au
If you are unhappy with your dealings with the NDIA, if you are unsure of the services you are receiving or feel you are not being assisted by NDIA staff you can call 1800 800 110 or email feedback@NDIS.gov.au
Phone: (02) 4927 0111
Toll Free: 1300 365 085
Fax: (02) 4927 0114
Email: da@da.org.au
Phone: 1800 060 409
Suggestions and Complaints
We would love to hear from you.
We aim to provide excellence in service and can not do this without your
Your input allows us to continually review and improve our service delivery
hence improving your services.